Let's try a Thought for Thursday again, shall we?
I need something funny this week, therefore I must go to the master of funny,
"A baby sells itself and needs no advertising copy; few people can resist it. There is something about babyness that brings out the softness in people and makes them want to hug and protect this small thing that dribbles and produces what we poetically call poopoo. Even that becomes precious, for the arrival of a baby coincides with the departure of our minds. My wife and I summoned that grandparents of our first baby and proudly cried, 'Look! Poopoo' A statement like this is the greatest disproof of evolution I know. Would you like a second disproof? Human being are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home."
From his book Fatherhood
Update:I was just reading some of my favorite blogs and I realized today is the anniversary of 9/11. Has it been so long that it takes until 1:30 in the afternoon for me to figure it out?
I just read this blog post about the whole thing and have been bawling for the last 20 minutes. It feels like it just happened all over again. Take a look, it's worth the read!
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