Did you kiss your lover at midnight?
I did!
We had big plans for New Year's Eve.
We planned on painting our vacant rental house to get it ready for new tenants.
Yipee, Happy New Year's to me!
Mr Bird has been painting and fixing and tinkering for a week straight, he took the week between Christmas and New Year's off.
He spent more time working on that silly rental than he would have logged hours at work.
We knew he had to get it done before he had to work again on Friday so we got a sitter for the day time so we could get massive amounts of painting done. Then we planned to go home around 6 pm, spend the evening vegging in front of the T.V. and hoped to be in bed before 10pm.
Sounds exciting right?
Um, YES!
He was so great to come and help paint our silly walls. We got so much more done than we could have on our own. Thanks Matt!!!
As we painted we started talking about our New Year's plans and he said we should come over to play games. He said we'd ring in the New Year at 10pm (Midnight Eastern time) and we could still get home at a semi decent hour.
Who won you ask?
The girls of course! Was there really any question.
Actually, we creamed them.
It felt good, it felt really, really good!
This is their 4th.
All of our children were being totally ignored while they played upstairs during our game.
They made quite the mess of the bedroom.
Sorry guys.
Kerilyn's parentals joined us for the evening as well, they are so fun and they love their cute grand kids so much.
Doesn't he look chipper?
Like a deer caught in the headlights!
Baby Cakes was not quite so alert. He knocked out around 10:30. That's pretty good for him, he's used to being in bed by 8 pm, every night, without fail.
We all drank our cider and said what we were going to resolve to do, I will write another post about that later. I will say that one of my resolutions had to do with more patience.
That resolution was tested almost immediately. We left for home around 11:20 and got home right around midnight. We rushed the kids off to bed and crashed in our own.
A few short hours later I could hear Dubs trying to unzip his footy jammies and crying in frustration. I got up to help him unzip and get on the potty.
As soon as I got his jammies off and his unders down it was too late, he could not hold it any longer. His poor little bladder just could not wait the 2 more seconds it would have taken to get on the potty and he proceeded to pee all over ME! Not on the floor or the bath mat.
He peed on me.
At 2 am.
Why do these things always happen at 2 am?
If being peed on within the first few hours of a New Year is considered good luck, I have a feeling it's going to be a very, very good year.
1 comment:
Ok I am CRACKING UP right now at the pee thing because you're right-- those things always happen in the WEE hours of the night (ahem; bad pun, I know.) I've never been peed/pooped/barfed/snotted on by a little one unless it was A) the middle of the night or B) when I'm in a huge hurry. I like your theory of it being lucky. You're off to a good start, '09! :) Cute pics.
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