I want to be in a parade!
I want to ride on a float or a fire truck or a cool old fashioned car.
I want to be part of the pomp and parade!
I want to join the celebration and be part of something bigger than myself.
I want to feel the spirit of our great nation and our pioneer ancestors. I have never been in a parade. I think it's time to change that.
When I was a kid I think I may have seen a total of one parade. Then I married Mr. Bird. His family goes to the Pioneer Day parade every year. Plus we go to the 4th of July parade in our home town. Our kids love it. We went to the Pioneer day parade in Ogden this year with Mr Bird's sister and his brother. The kids got to play with their cousins and enjoy a little bit of rich Utah culture and history.
It was fabulous. I watched the faces of the people in the parade and all of a sudden I wanted to be there. I want to go up the street clapping and singing and smiling and waving and sweating for miles and miles.
I want my kids to be a part of it all. I want them to feel the history and learn about why we have them. I want to smell the horse poop and be glad I'm not the one with the giant pooper scooper. I want to make lasting memories with my little ones before they are not so little any more. I want to be talking at Thanks Giving when they are all grown and have kids of their own and I want them to say,
"Remember the year we were in the parade?"
"Ya, remember the huge pile I almost stepped in?"
"That was fun!"

I want them to know what the people on the floats are feeling when they see the parade the next time. I want my kids to enjoy their childhood. I want to be part of their childhood and see their little faces as they explore all these new and wonderful things. I love celebrations. I love seeing other enjoy them too. I love family traditions. I love the Parade!
Did I mention this is how I want to be brought to my grave? The coolest horse drawn hearse I've ever seen.
Where's the pics of the kids enjoying the parade?
I got lots of them running around before the parade but none during it. Lame, I know! I'll post some of them!
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