We Are DONE!! I can't believe we ran the Wasatch back! It was so much fun. It was so hard, but fun! Now I feel like I can do anything! What is the Wasatch Back Relay you say? Here is the synopsis in a nut shell. The course goes from Logan, UT to Park City, UT, a distance of 181 miles. Each team is made up of 12 runners. Each of the 12 runners takes 3 turns or legs. The legs range anywhere from 3 to 8 miles each. Each team has two vehicles with 6 runners in each. I took Baby Cakes with us since he's still nursing. One of the ladies in our other truck had her nursing baby too. So each of our trucks had 7 passengers. We decorated our trucks Thursday night and had a big pasta dinner for our whole team. We put love sacs in the back of the trucks with big umbrellas for shade. We had matching shirts and we bought iron-on transfers to personalized them with. We made our own sayings for each runner. Mrs. Bird's shirt said "What's that smell?" Mine said "Where am I?" Some of the others were "I just passed Chuck Norris", "Under this outfit I'm NAKED", "If you can read this turn me around, I'm going the wrong way", "3 months ago I weighed 300 lbs","Are we there yet, Are we there yet, Are we there yet?","My wife made me do this" I can't remember all the others. We made onesies for the babies that said "Milkshakes or Bust!" They were fun. Then we all went home for SLEEP. The First half of our team started at 8:40 am on Friday June 20. Mr. Bird and I were in the second truck with another couple we met through homeschooling, Matt and Kerilyn, a friend from church, Jeremy and Kerilyn's Brother-in-Law, Ryan. The first half of the team finished their fist legs around 2:30 in the afternoon. We met at the exchange then sent Ryan out for his first run. I was runner nine and Mr. Bird was runner 12, the last on our team. My first leg was easy. It was 3.5 miles and slightly down hill. This is the map of my run . The hard part was that I was running it at 4 in the evening with no shade. It was SO HOT. My ears were bumping and my head felt like it was going to explode! It was a fun to see all the other runners and knowing I was part of something bigger than myself. My run was in farm land. I passed one florescent green pasture after another. In one one the pastures there were 4 of the most beautiful horses I have ever seen. They were in a frenzy from all the runners and vehicles on their otherwise quite country road. They were running through their pasture at full gallop kicking their hind legs and rearing up sporadically. I passed huge sprinklers watering huge pastures. The sound of the sprinklers matched the beating of my heart. As I passed one set of sprinklers the end of it spayed a few drops of water on my smoking body. It felt like heaven. I passed another set of horses that was so happy to see the runners. They started running with me at their fence line and stayed with me at my pace until their pasture ended. It was so cool to see the horses get into the spirit of the race. I ran the whole way and I felt good after I got back in the truck. I ate a cold banana and have never felt so refreshed in all my life. After all our runners ran we met the other truck at the next exchange and we knew we had about 5 hours before we would need to meet them for our next legs. Matt and Kerilyn live not too far from the course so we went back to their house for left over pasta and showers and sleep. It all went as planned except the sleep part. I put baby cakes to sleep and laid down to try to sleep. My mind just kept racing. Then I heard whispers and footsteps upstairs. It was obvious no one was sleeping. So I went back up to join the party. Next thing I knew it was time to go to the next exchange to start our second legs.
We all got up and loaded in the truck to find breakfast and head to the next exchange. This sign is a great description of my last leg. It was only 3.6 miles but it was straight uphill. It was an average uphill grade of 7.6% and I climbed 1482 feet in elevation, and it was high noon. I was walking on my shadow, yes, walking, not running. I did start out running but that only lasted about 1/2 mile. I decided to enjoy it even though it was hard.
What a rush!
You did it!!! It sounds amazing! You are so brave for even trying it. I can't imagine trying to run after being up all night.
I know I said I ran Friday in the heat and got a horrible headache but I didn't run as far as you guys did and I wasn't trying to win any races. You are all awesome!!!
Hopefully I will be in good anough shape to do it with you next year but still don't let me sign up for it, ok? You are all crazy!
Hey Sara,
I can't believe you ran that race. You're amazing! I'm glad I found your blog. This should be fun!
I always knew you were crazy, now I know I'm right! That's awesome though that you made it and with Ethan for that matter. You rock!
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