I can't believe how big you are getting. Could it really have been 7 years ago that we welcomed you into the world? You were our whole world. The sun rose and set in you. And you know what, it still does. I remember the sleepless nights when you were just a tiny baby like it was yesterday. I remember being too afraid to sleep for fear I might miss something or that something might be wrong with you if I shut my eyes, even for a moment. I just needed to hear you breath to make sure you were still alive. You seemed so small. It seemed so daunting to know that I was in charge of another little living thing. I think I did not sleep for 3 days straight. I remember the all encompassing love I felt for you then. Somehow I love you even more now. I never knew that would be possible. I am so proud of the young lady you are becoming. I love your bright smiles and how well you play with your brothers. I love how caring and giving you are. I love how you always want to give to others. Whenever a friend comes to play you are not happy unless you give them something before they leave. I love to see you making such good choices. You are so good. I love you kiddo, don't ever forget that. I look forward to seeing you grow and change even more.
Love, Mom

We had a fun day for Doodles' birthday today. The count down has begun. Less than a year until she's 8 and takes the big plunge.
After school this morning we put the finishing touches on a bird house we made for the annual Ogden Nature Center's bird house exhibition.
Doodle was so excited to make one. She loves seeing all the cool bird houses they have on display every time we go.
I had to get her cake ready before we left because I knew I would not have time when we got back.
I saw one like this on the Internet about 6 weeks ago. I have been slowly brainwashing her into thinking she needed this one for her birthday. Isn't it cute?

I used 100% cocoa for the brown and spinach for the green and blackberries for the pinkish purplish color. I love how they turned out!

This is one of my favorite part of the nature center. It is a tiny little owl named Gidget.
Isn't she cute? I think she likes me.
Look at those eyes.
I swear she's smiling at me.
These wild turkey were a hoot. They just waddled around gobbling the whole time. The kids got a kick out of them. Baby Cakes squealed with delight. He would have been on the hunt for them if he were not in the baby back pack.
Today was Wild Wednesday at the Nature Center and the theme was amphibians.

Here is the bird house she made. We used an old Oatmeal canister and some sticks and a plastic lid to a missing storage container. Doodle and Beano painted almost the whole thing by them selves. It is a nature scene, in case you missed that. There is grass and flowers on the bottom and a sun and clouds and birds on the top. I think it turned out really cute. She was so proud of her work of art!
Isn't she cute? I think she likes me.
Look at those eyes.
I swear she's smiling at me.

They got to see and touch a real turtle.

And a snake.
We learned how to tell by looking at a snake if it is poisonous or not.
That's good information to have.
Thanks, Nature Center!
We had such a fun day and Doodle loved her Birthday.
The celebration does not end there. Tomorrow night a friend of ours got us tickets to Ballet West in Salt Lake. Then on Friday she gets to come on date night with us. That is a little tradition we have in our family. The week of the kid's birthday they get to join mom and dad on date night all by themselves. We love the one on one time with each of the kids. The kids look forward to their date night for weeks ahead of time. It will be fun.
The party has just begun.
Happy Birthday Doodle, we love you!
Looks like she had a great birthday! You are an amazing mom--I don't know how you find time to do everything you do.
That cake is beautiful! You are a talent with cakes.
It's funny that you posted a picture of Gidget. So did I! http://www.lazyorganizer.com/blog/?p=2469
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