My little boy is 4.
Do you realize the power behind that statement?
He is 4.
Did you hear me, 4.
How can that be?
Not only that, he's my 3rd child to turn that ripe old age.

He loves to play with his brothers, oh and his sister... if he has to.
He goes potty all by himself.
He says the pledge of allegiance with us every day for school.
He loves story time on the couch.
He loves monster trucks almost as much as his big brother.
He loves to bring things from his room for show and tell.
He is the best snuggler I have.
He has really started to love primary, especially his teacher.
Speaking of his teacher, she is the best Sunbeam teacher ever!
She always does the best lessons and she genuinely loves her students, you can just tell by the way she talks to them and smiles at them and looks at them right in their eyes.
On Dubs' birthday she showed up at our door around 2 o'clock with a present and a card for Dubs. He was so thrilled to see her. She gave him a big old hug and stayed for a while so he could open her gift. She had talked to him the Sunday before and he told her that he was going to have a monster truck cake. She could tell how much that little boy loves monster trucks.
So guess what she gave him.
A monster truck, of course. He was so thrilled that she would come over and give him a gift, and one she knew he would love.
It was not a huge deal, but it really touched my heart.
I loved seeing her interact with him, she was just so happy to see the look on his face when he opened his truck.
I really wonder if Dubs would love primary as much as he does if it were not for her.
Look familiar?
Ya, it looks just like the one Beano had for his birthday in September.
The only difference?
This one is 100% natural.
No artificial colors or flavors or preservatives.
Every inch of it was homemade.
I even made the graham crackers.
Impressed yet?
Get a load of this.
I dyed the coconut green with 100% natural food coloring.
It's called blended up spinach juice.
Sounds gross, I know, but once we put it on all that sugar you could not tell in the slightest that there was even the hint of a veggie anywhere near that cake.
It turned out so tasty and good.
A 3 pound bag of apples.
She also gave him a big semi truck to play with, but as you can see he loved the apples most.
While everyone way busy eating cake he happily sat and ate an apple. When that was gone he did eat cake, but then ate 2 more apples. Between the 3 big kids they ate the all but 2 of those apples before bed time.
Does Lisa know my kids, or what?
And last but not least, here is a fun video of what I like to call
the candle conundrum.
Sooo cute! Aren't birthdays so much fun!
I love the video! Note to self: Explain to little kids how to make a wish before the candles are lit and burn a hole through the cake!
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