Green Eggs and Ham, anyone?
As soon as the kids found out that today was Dr. Seuss's birthday they insisted we have our traditional Dr. Seuss birthday meal (yes, we celebrate his birth every year).
Green eggs and ham, or course!
What else?
How did I get the eggs so green, you ask.
That is no food coloring, baby.
First I sauteed a green pepper, while that was cooking I put the eggs in the blinder with some fresh spinach. Then I poured them in the pan and scrambled them with the pepper.
The best part? The whole meal cost around $3, for all six of us. Can't beat that!
Are those not the most hideously green eggs you've ever seen?
It was almost too frightening to eat.
But he just had to try them. We had to!
"I do not like Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am!"
"Try them and you may, try them and you may, I say."
"Say, I do like Green Eggs and Ham, I do like them, Sam I Am!"

The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins
In the story there is a boy with a very ordinary hat with a feather in it. One day he is on his way to town to sell some cranberries when the king passes.
There is a huge procession and everyone bows to the king.
As the king passes Bartholomew he suddenly stops the procession and backs up right
to Bartholomew.
He is stunned to see that Bartholomew has not removed his hat for his Highness.
Bartholomew is baffled as he tries to reason how he had taken off his hat, yet mysteriously another had appeared on his head.
Throughout the story Bartholomew ends up taking off 500 hats.
I will not tell you how it ends, you'll have to find that out for yourself, if you don't already know.
I will tell you that during the story one of the things they did to try to get the hat off Bartholomew's head was to have an archer shoot it right off his head with a bow and arrow.
Since we do not have a bow and arrow we decided to try using a toy gun with a suction cup shooter to try to shoot our newspaper hat off of each other's heads.
We had to see if our aim was as good as a professional archer.
As you can see, Doodle is pretty good. Ya, I know, she's only 6 inches away from the hat, but still!
I think Mr Bird was a little nervous about the kids aiming a gun at his head, but he was a good sport.
What a fun night we had! We love Dr. Seuss!
What a funny, funny man.

There is a huge procession and everyone bows to the king.

to Bartholomew.
He is stunned to see that Bartholomew has not removed his hat for his Highness.
Bartholomew is baffled as he tries to reason how he had taken off his hat, yet mysteriously another had appeared on his head.

I will not tell you how it ends, you'll have to find that out for yourself, if you don't already know.
I will tell you that during the story one of the things they did to try to get the hat off Bartholomew's head was to have an archer shoot it right off his head with a bow and arrow.

We had to see if our aim was as good as a professional archer.

What a funny, funny man.
Looks like a great FHE activity--wish I'd have thought of it earlier. Well, maybe next year.
So cute! What a fun idea!!! Green eggs and ham and the hats and all... you guys are so cool.
Hi, my first time here! I did a Dr. Seuss post too....your idea is fun...I'll try to remember hat for next year! My boys would LOVE to shoot hats off of us! Wow, I wouldn't have thought to use something else other than food coloring for the eggs...fab idea! How did they taste. My boys love spinach, but not green peppers.
I so want to get my hands on Bartholamew and the Oobleck...I want that boys are begging to make oobleck but I want the book first....can't find it! I guess I'll have to search online!
Looks like you had a TON of fun
In Him<><
Wow what a really fun day. I wish I would have stumbled across your blog earlier. Next year this is a must. Thanks for sharing.
What neat ideas. This is a great way to create lasting memories.
I haven't read that Dr. Seuss book before, can you believe that! Looks likes lots of fun - and I love the Spinach-colored eggs, so inventive and healthy.
Somehow I knew you'd do something great on Dr. Suess's birthday. Where do you find the time and all of your great ideas? I'm going to steal some of your ideas for next year. How's your training coming? When's the Wasatch Back?
Spinach eggs! That's fabulous!!! Are you going to make them again for St. Patrick's day?
Are you going to carpool on Saturday with Calene? She is going with Karen so you should call her.
How fun! Great blog!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting on the baby shower I shared. It was great to see a "new face"! :)
This is such a great idea and I bet your family had such a ball! I'm not sure my kids would go for the green eggs though. They do look a bit scary. :) Fun times!! What a great way to celebrate such an amazing author.
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