Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's Independance Day!

Have I mentioned that I love Independence Day?
And what a day it was this year.
We started bright and early at 6am and did not get home until after 11:00 that night.
We are one tired family today.

We started the day with a healthy dose of exercise. Mr Bird ran the 5K while I walked it (Stubborn knee!). My wonderful nephew Josh and his cute wife Tiffany watched our kids while I walked. I took 2nd place in the walk though, not too shabby.

I know, I know, it's not as cool as 2nd place in the run, but still, there were lots of walkers! I did really well, but today my bum is sore!

After the 5K we all participated in the bike parade. I hauled Dubs and baby Cakes in the decked out wagon while Mr Bird took Doodle and Beano on their bikes.

They get to ride the parade route and they look forward to it every year, as do I.

I love being in the parade!
The city parade was next. The weather was perfect! Most years by 9am we are frying in the hot street like a slice of bacon in a skillet. This year, however, there was a nice breeze and cloud cover and nice cool temperatures.

It just would not be the 4th without getting wet! After lunch Mr Birds hooked the hose to the slide in the back yard and let the kids go to town.

Those nice parade clouds scared me for a while in the afternoon.

They actually started raining on us for a minute. I was all panicked that the fireworks would get rained out.

Luckily, the rain lasted all of 5 minutes, then the clouds broke and it was clear skies the rest of the day.

This is why I love Independence day.
I love being carefree with my kids and my lover and hanging out in the yard, just being together.

Then it was on to Lisa and Brads house for our annual BBQ. Lisa had the horses out and baby insisted that she take him for a ride. It looks like we have another horse freak on our hands!

And of course it just would not be the 4th without a flag cake. Lisa and Jordana did a fantastic job.
See how pretty I am at 10pm after a long day outside? We had a perfect spot for the fireworks thanks to our lovely friends, Rick and Shelly! They got to the park early and pinned down a spot for us. We sure do love those guys.

Baby Cakes loved his first sparklers. He also loved the fireworks. He ooooed and ahhhhhhed with the best of them.
We had such a fun day.
Good family times, good friends, good food and good times!

1 comment:

  1. It looks fun! I know I keep saying I want to run a 5K and I do. Maybe next year I'll do it with you guys and it will finally happen.
